Re: separating precedence of 2 types of inheritance

Thanks for clearing this up for me, Felix and Fredrick. I think section 5.5
could use the beefed-up explanation that Fredrik provided for number three:
inherit from closest parent, local beats global. (Like CSS)

One more question on this. Section 5.5 says inheritance only applies to
elements, but section 8.1 lists inheritance rules for child elements and
attributes related to their "child notes". It sounds like they are saying
different things, but I may be misunderstanding the text. Also, is that
supposed to be "child nodes"?


On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 12:12 PM, Fredrik Liden <> wrote:

> Hi Nathen and Felix,****
> ** **
> *, and ITS could get pretty clumsy. For example, there would be no way to
> set an entire Arabic document as right-to-left (**<its:dirRule
> selector="/*" dir="rtl">** or **selector="//*"**) and then mark the
> parent of several English elements with **its:dir="ltr"**.*
> ** **
> Any rule with selector “/*” in effect disables the inheritance mechanism
> so it’s useful when that is what you really want to do and also in cases
> where perhaps you’re dealing with a category that doesn’t have any
> Inheritance (
>  The default Directionality is “ltr” so in your case, similar to a
> Translate category use case, you could specify < its:dirRule
> selector="/somerootelement" dir=”rtl”>. Now all the child elements of
> <somerootelement> inherits “rtl” then you can mark your specific “parents”
> with its:dir=”ltr”. Now the marked parents and their children (through
> inheritance) have “ltr”.****
> ** **
> Looking at the processing steps Felix describes for Okapi, once the
>  global and local rules have been applied in order of priority, for any
> given element/attribute you really only have:****
> **1.       **Explicit rule value****
> **2.       **Inherited rule value****
> **3.       **Default rule value****
> ** **
> But for an implementer there order is:****
> ** **
> 1. Local markup****
> 2. Global selectors****
> 3. Inherited values (Inherited from nearest parent with either relevant
> local markup or global selectors. In cases where the parent has both local
> markup and global rules, inheritance from local markup has precedence
> (consistent with 1 and 2). But again, implementation-wise, once the rules
> have been applied there’s really no distinction. A little bit of the
> chicken and the egg perhaps. )****
> 4. Default values****
> ** **
> Fredrik****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* Felix Sasaki []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 07, 2013 12:53 AM
> *To:* Nathan Glenn
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: separating precedence of 2 types of inheritance****
> ** **
> Hi Nathan again,
> Am 07.08.13 05:42, schrieb Nathan Glenn:****
> Hello again, ****
> I was wondering if I could ask a question about inheritance and
> precedence. Section 5.5 of the spec gives information on this, but leaves
> the proper implementation unclear in my mind.****
> Implementing global selection makes a lot of sense to me because once
> rules are properly ordered, they can all be applied and later ones will
> overwrite older ones. However, it is less clear for inheritance. What I
> would like to think is that one could do the following in order to decide
> the ITS metadata for an entire document:****
>    1. Apply default values.****
>    2. Apply global selection via rules, one at a time, also applying
>    inheritance for each one. Each rule application writes over any previous
>    ones.****
>    3. Apply selection via explicit local markup, and then the inheritance
>    of this markup, overwriting any previously applied selections. Application
>    would be a pre-order operation in a depth-first search (or something else
>    that would cause selections for children to overwrite
>    selections/inheritance via ancestors).****
> However, the specification for precedence of selection from section 5.5 is:
> ****
>    1. local markup****
>    2. global selectors****
>    3. inherited values****
>    4. default values****
> Correct.
> ****
> The problem with this is that there are 2 types of inheritance:
> inheritance from global selections (example 13) and inheritance from local
> selections (example 11), and the given precedence order implies that they
> are both at the same level.****
> They actually are at the same level.
> ****
> If they were, then implementation would be much less simple than the 3
> step process outlined above****
> There is a mismatch between your steps and the four types of inheritance.
> Your steps describe an algorithm how to process (your type of) inheritance.
> The four types of inheritance are "declarative": they don't presprice how
> to process ITS information, but only how the relation between the four
> types of information is.
> A simple algorithm to process the four types of inheritance could have two
> steps:
> 1) For the input document apply global rules taking their order into
> account ("the last rule wins"). Output: an XML / HTML DOM decorated with
> ITS information
> 2) Traverse the decorated DOM. For each node check if there is local
> markup and if yes apply that. If there is no local markup check if there is
> a decoration from step 1). If there is no decoration check for inherited
> values, then default values.
> Although 2) has several sub parts, I am saying "two steps" since you only
> need to process the document twice: decoration for global rules and
> traversing for the rest. If I recall correctly, the okapi ITS
> implementation uses that kind of approach. The second step then can be
> implemented in streaming mode and hence is relatively efficient.
> ****
> , and ITS could get pretty clumsy. For example, there would be no way to
> set an entire Arabic document as right-to-left (<its:dirRule
> selector="/*" dir="rtl"> or selector="//*") and then mark the parent of
> several English elements with its:dir="ltr".****
> I see this rather as an issue that you can resolve by educating authors.
> Take CSS as an example: if authors have markup like this
> <!DOCTYPE html>
> <html>
>   <head>
>     <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="content-type">
>     <title>Example of CSS inheritance</title>
>     <style type="text/css">
>       span {color: red;}  </style>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <p><span style="color:blue;">blue, via local style attribute <span>red
> via
>           global style element</span> </span></p>
>   </body>
> </html>
> They know that the local style attribute does not inherit to the nested
> span, since the nested span is selected directly via a global CSS element.
> So rather than complicating the implementations and eventually how ITS
> markup authors have to understand inheritance, I would keep things as they
> are - relatively simple and aligned with well known CSS.
> ****
> You would have to set the direction on each individual element, or create
> another global selector and place it after the first. ****
> ** **
> I think that the precedence order should probably be:****
>    1. local markup****
>    2. inherited local markup****
>    3. global selectors****
>    4. inheritance from global selectors****
>    5. default values****
> Provided it is correct, it makes it easier to see that a proper
> implementation of ITS is simply the reverse application of this list. One
> could even combine 1-2 and 3-4.****
> ** **
> I'm sorry if I'm way off on this. Could someone tell me if my
> understanding of precedence and inheritance is correct?****
> I hope that above CSS example made this clear.
> Best,
> Felix
> ****
> ** **
> Nathan****
> ** **

Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2013 23:47:37 UTC