Re: ITS Teleconference - Jul-26-2011

Btw., regrets again - sorry, but officially on holiday ...

no news on my action item. For the topic below, here are some pointers to
related mail threads

For the topic of using ITS in XLIFF 2.0 and for the record: if not all parts
of ITS, e.g. application of XPath, work for the target environment (e.g.
XPath implementations available are not powerful enough), one can still use
the "data category" definitions ITS provides, e.g. the definition of
Translate, Localization Note, etc. This avoids duplication to some extend,
and prepares a path to bring these definitions to other environments, e.g.
CMS systems that are part of a localization chain, machine translation tools
that should be aware of such metadata etc. Yves, all: if you have time to
discuss this approach let me know any feedback.

-- Felix

2011/7/25 Felix Sasaki <>

> FYI, after some discussion, Mark David said that for the next draft (04, to
> be published) he would add the following to the draft, to clarify some
> things:
> <t>The t extension is not intended for use in structured data that already
> provides for source and target language identifiers.
> For example, this is the case in localization interchange formats such as
> In such cases, it would be inappropriate to use "ja-t-it" for the target
> language tag because the source language tag
> "it" would already be present in the data. Instead one would use the
> language tag "ja".
> </t>
> Felix
> 2011/7/25 "Martin J. Dürst" <>
>> Hello Yves, others,
>> On 2011/07/25 16:50, Yves Savourel wrote:
>>> ITS IG Teleconference on Tuesday Jul-26-2011 At 15:00 UTC
>>> 9am Denver, 11am Boston, 4pm London, 5pm Berlin
>>> See your time-zone here:
>>> 20110628T17&p1=1264<>
>>  --- Transliteration
>>  Note: possible notation for transliteration
>>> tags-01#appendix-A<>
>>> Side topic: possible concerns about the language tag becoming overly
>>> complex and covering different domain.
>> The link is outdated. The last version of the relevant document is
>> .
>> Regards,    Martin.

Received on Tuesday, 26 July 2011 05:30:42 UTC