- From: Yves Savourel <yves@opentag.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2011 09:36:06 -0700
- To: <public-i18n-its-ig@w3.org>
ITS IG Teleconference on Tuesday Jan-25-2010 At 16:00 UTC/GMT 9am Denver, 11am Boston, 4pm London, 5pm Berlin Regrets: Felix, Jirka Attending: Yves, Christian, Richard === ITS-oriented reviews of XML specifications Last Calls: http://www.w3.org/TR/#last-call --- EPUB: See http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2010Sep/0006.html And following emails. Nothing new. --- MIME type: http://www.alvestrand.no/pipermail/ietf-types/2010-April/002337.html Status unchanged. Status: still same status, waiting from answer after Felix changes. === ITS Rules repository http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/RulesRepository No new rules added. Nothing to report. === ITS Processor with XSLT XML to XLIFF using ITS and XSLT: V0.6: http://fabday.fh-potsdam.de/~sasaki/its/ V0.7: http://fabday.fh-potsdam.de/~sasaki/its/temp.html No change for now. Felix is still at the same position so change of host probably not urgent. === ITS General issues --- Context data category Should go there: http://www.w3.org/International/its/wiki/IssuesAndProposedFeatures#Proposed_Text Started: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-i18n-its-ig/2010Sep/0003.html ACTION ITEM: Christian to update the wiki from his email. --- Idea for a "targets" data category. For example: <p its:targets=".*?-US">This is specific to the United States.</p> Felix noted possible ideas here: http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/WD-ltli-20060612/ YS: Do we have real use cases for it? CL: There are some XML format that may need that. YS: But cases like Frame use conditional text for example. CL: The point is there is no standard for this. YS: Good point RI: can I get examples. CL: Explains cases for generating PDFs... RI: Could be good topic for MultilingualWeb. ACTION ITEM: Christian to wiki entry for this proposal. === Any Other Business? --- MultilingualWeb workshop in Pisa in a few months. RI: maybe Christian could give the same talk as Yves at LocWord. Also maybe a review about ITS data categories? CL: need some time to think/know if it's possible. RI: the sooner the better. --- ITS-based filters used to convert data to Moses Inline Text format for MT processing. (M4Loc project http://groups.google.com/group/m4loc) ACTION ITEM: Yves to write blurb about it and send it to Richard. CL: maybe M4Loc could try to get the format to support ITS directly? YS: the Moses format is rather basic and not quite XML-savvy. But maybe yes in the long term. --- "Standards Summit" in March by LISA BTW: Arle will be leaving LISA. And LISA is searching for a director of Standards. Too bad this summit is a separate effort from MultilingualWeb. === Next teleconference is Feb-22 Cheers, -ys
Received on Tuesday, 25 January 2011 16:36:37 UTC