RE: ITS Teleconference - Aug-23-2011 - Summary

ITS IG Teleconference on Tuesday Aug-23-2011 At 15:00 UTC -SUMMARY

Regrets: Felix.
Presents: Yves, Christian.

Last meeting minutes:

=== ITS-oriented reviews of XML specifications

--- MIME type:

Last updated template is here:

In July-27 Felix asked Philippe Le Hegaret if he could help get things moving. No answer from Philippe so far.
Felix updated Richard on this topic.

Nothing new there. We may try another email to Philippe later this month.

--- HTML5

Jirka has logged an issue with HTML5 for the lack of translatability flag:
The bug has been re-opened with several people providing comments.

Waiting on the TC answer for this now.

--- XLIFF 2.0

>From last meeting's discussion: The idea is to implement the same semantic, using an XLIFF-specific implementation were it make sense.
Christian may make a proposal to the XLIFF TC following this line of thought.

Christian did a few proposals in that direction in the XLIFF TC.

=== ITS Rules repository
No new rules added.

=== ITS General issues

--- Context data category

Should go there:
ACTION ITEM: Felix to talk to RDFa WG about "context data category" mechanism
-> pending

ACTION ITEM: Christian to continue working on this data-category.
-> done.
Ingo to look at it as well.

--- Idea for a "localeSpecificContent" data category.
ACTION ITEM: Christian to include the notes from Felix feedback.
-> done.

--- Permission for inline codes

ACTION ITEM: Yves to draft an extension for setting permission (clone/delete/etc.) in ITS inline codes.
--> still in progress.
See categories here:
No notation proposal yet.

--- Transliteration

Shaun McCance inquired about how to provide information for text to only transliterate See
Idea is to provide a way to identify the type of process to be done/allowed on a content.
Concepts not all clear yet.

Nothing new.

Overall the proposal could use a general review, for example to add processing expectation.
Then we'll have to look at implementation.

This bring the question of the next step:
Should we try for an ITS version 1.1? or something else (e.g. a note)?
Need to assess the demand and the resources available.

=== Any Other Business?

--- Presentation on ITS work for Multilingual Web event at Limerick was accepted.
Christian provided a draft.
Would be good to have input from developer as well.

=== Next teleconference is Sep-20


Received on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 15:40:20 UTC