Re: ITS as a microformat (proposal)

Felix Sasaki wrote:

>> 1) It will became visible part of document (and although it can be make
>> unvisible in CSS, it will confuse search engines and other agents
>> operating only on markup).
> Isn't that the same problem with other  microformats, e.g. hcard?

I don't think so. You usually want to see contact information visible on
page but at the same time marked up by uF to allow easier machine

> Not sure ... though I do not see the difference to the use case of shipping
> "native" ITS rules in a seperate document - is there a difference? Or are
> you saying that that is also no use case and users do not need to create
> also native ITS rules for HTML?

I personally do not have usecase, but I use HTML only as delivery
format. For people who use HTML as primary content storage there might
be story though.

>> But it is definitively worth to create uF for local ITS data categories.
> Yes - do you have any input on the problems I mentioned at "open questions"
> ?

uF are generally ugly compared to native XML. But instead of

<a href="someLinke" its:term="yes"

you can use something like

<a href="someLinke" class="term">
  <a href="referenceToTermdefinition" class="termInfoRef"></a>

The problem is that this is invalid in HTML, AFAIK <a> element couldn't
be nested.

Re your second point I think that validation can be carried on by
Schematron quite effectively.

  Jirka Kosek      e-mail:
       Professional XML consulting and training services
  DocBook customization, custom XSLT/XSL-FO document processing
 OASIS DocBook TC member, W3C Invited Expert, ISO JTC1/SC34 member

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 15:39:09 UTC