Reposting in the right mailing list this time.


I had the action item to look at SKOS

SKOS is expressed using RDF, and the specification uses the Turtle notation

The Turtle notation (as far as I understand) should be convertible to an RDF/XML corresponding notation.

There are ways to annotate a Turtle string with a language identifier:

<Color> skos:prefLabel "color"@en , "color"@en-US , "colour"@en-GB .

But, as far as I can tell, it is not possible to have in-string tags to annotate the text itself, for example with bidi markers. I
suppose the case of Bidi can be resolved with the Unicode Bidi characters. But other in-line annotation would not be possible.

I have also noted an example in section 6.5.4 (Example 23: <
<> >) that shows some creative way of using the language tags, which I'm not
sure should be encouraged.

Aside from labels and documentation/description I didn't noticed any language-specific content in SKOS.

>From the ITS viewpoint, I didn't see anything other than the two issues above. But it seems they should be addressed at the level of
RDF and Turtle rather than SKOS.


Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 17:39:55 UTC