RE: ITS Processor

Hi Felix,

> Currently it seems you are separating global rules processing from 
> everything else, e.g. in "Additional Notes" you are discussing a 
> flag for inheritance. I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better to have 
> a method ("applyDataCategory") which subsumes all the processing 
> (see comment above). After all you have to implement inheritance 
> and defaults anyway, no matter if you do only global / only local / 
> both.

I guess, one of the reason I started by just applying the rules (global and local) but not doing anything about default and
inheritance is because in the scenarios I'm always seeing this can be done as you travers the document.

Not doing it in the apply() method allows to walk the tree once instead of twice (once for setting the inheritance, and once for
doing whatever you have to do).

But, I agree, there maybe cases where someone need to access the tree randomly and therefore each node needs to be pre-set with all
the ITS information. That's why I was thinking of a flag in the apply() method: letting the caller to choose whether the inheritence
must be set or not.

Another thought: one may do some change in the ITS locale rules after apply() and need to re-compute the locale rules and
inheritence from a specific node down. If he does not change global rules there is no need to re-apply them.


Received on Tuesday, 10 June 2008 03:23:58 UTC