Action item: reviewing POWDER

I had the action item of lloking at POWDER for ITS-related issues.

The document is here:

POWDER can have text content as specified here:

The definition for those text containing elements (tag, comment, label, etc.) (
does not seem to include any provsion for localization/language-related information. The schema for, does not include those elements, so I'm not sure if it's the proper version.

I would propose to recommend the two things:

A) Suggest to the POWDER WG to add a small appendix where the ITS rules for POWDER would be defined. Looking at the specification it
could be something like this:

Appendix: Localization

Textual content of POWDER documents may be subject to linguistic-related processes, such as translation, spell-checking, etc.

The W3C Internationalization Tag Set provides a way to define what parts of the document has textual content, using a rules
document. A possible ITS rules document for POWDER would indicate that only the of the elements tag, label and comment have textual

<its:rules version="1.0"
 <its:translateRule translate="no" selector="//p:powder"/>
 <its:translateRule translate="yes" selector="//p:tag|//p:label|//p:comment"/>

B) Request more information on how tag, comment and label are defined in the schema, so we can see if ITS attributes would be
allowed or not.

Any other ideas?

Received on Monday, 8 December 2008 18:48:58 UTC