Language Best Practises: Please review


I have once more gone through

today, and I feel happy about removing the term 'primary language' in favour of 'language of the intended audience' (or similar).  I would like to bring closure to this.

Please look through the text (look for change marks) and tell me if you see any problems.  I will take silence for assent and will assume that everyone is happy if I don't hear otherwise by Wednesday a.m. (UK).

I also made some editorial improvements, and a couple of significant changes to the document:

1. I moved some of the text that was buried in a best practise to what is now section 4.2.  I think this constitutes a major improvement to the document.

2. I turned these headings:
How to declare the text-processing language -> Using attributes to declare the text-processing language

How to specify primary language metadata -> Using metadata to specify the language of the intended audience

I think this is much better from the user's point of view (esp. in the techniques index) since we can't expect them to know the difference between text-processing and primary language - nor to care much.  But they will be interested in how they should use attributes.

3. I edited, and in one case rewrote, some best practises in light of changes in RFC 3066bis.

4. I tweaked the "How to ..." headings, since these are no longer techniques.

Please also comment on these changes, if you feel the need, in the same timeframe.


Richard Ishida
Internationalization Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Received on Friday, 30 June 2006 17:14:13 UTC