this morning's ramblings

Some quick links wrt to my ramblings today.

For those interested. There has been some discusisons on a number of 
lists about Ajami (l'Adjami) - Arabic script used to write African 
languages. Some of the discussion has been summarised at:

A summary (from SIL) of character requirements for some West African 
countries are at:

N.B. U+F208, U+F213, U+F214, U+F218, U+F21A, U+F21B, U+F219

Also a thread on the Unicode mailing list within the last 48 hours on 
alternative glyphs. Subject line was "U+00D0, U+01b7 -- variants or 
distinct chars?"

To illustrate the persian font issue:


Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 17:17:19 UTC