MINUTES: I18n GEO teleconference 030611


W3C I18n GEO Phone Conference
11 Jun 2003

Present: Richard (chair, scribe), Lloyd, Phil, Tex, Russ, Martin, Andrew

Regrets/Absent: Steve, Suzanne, Peter, Barry, Leslie, John

New Actions

ACTION: AC, write up some text about byte order marks that could be used
to develop section 2.2

ACTION: all, send in pointers to web sites or programs that can be used
to inspect http headers of web pages

Prior Action Items

ACTION: Phil, write the Q&A for review on 11 June.

ACTION: Lloyd, write up some code samples relating to date formats and
link to them from the Q&A page at a later date

ACTION: RI, set up Phil and Suzanne as Invited Experts

ACTION: AC to create a list of possibilities for 'non-displayable'

All: send in pointers to existing guidelines 



Info share
Microsoft key creation tool now available for free download from

Q&A Review

Phil's Q&A
Discussed Phil's contribution: 
-	Would be a good idea for those who are interested to begin work
on an 'article' about this topic, in addition to a Q&A - Phil, Suzanne,
ACTION: Phil, spec out content and audience for an introductory outreach
article along the lines of "Why internationalise your site, and what it
involves?" - do it in stages, and look around for currently available
-	it's tough to produce Q&A's like this - Phil's Q&A needs
tightening up and refocussing - Phil will work on it - no alternatives
available at the moment

Discussion - table about what browsers support what encodings
-	the page at http://www.w3.org/International/O-charset-list.html
is way out of date
-	not clear that this is useful information these days - people
should just use utf-8 !
-	might be more useful to say what fonts support what unicode

Comments on section 2.2 of guidelines: "Specifying a page encoding"
-	various editorial suggestions
-	we could point to information about how to set the content-type
-	given 'where practical' - have some text that explains how that
may or may not be practical - point to the alternatives
ACTION: AC, write up some text about byte order marks that could be used
to develop section 2.2
ACTION: all, send in pointers to web sites or programs that can be used
to inspect http headers of web pages

Next meeting:
Same time, same bridge, next week.

Richard Ishida

tel: +44 1753 480 292

Received on Wednesday, 18 June 2003 13:54:26 UTC