Re: Bidi space Q&A, [was RE: Agenda I18N Core TF telcon, 2003-06-10 at 17:00 UTC, 10am PST, 1pm EST, 18:00UK]

Richard Ishida wrote:
> > 3) In the technical detail section, the blue space migrates
> > from behind to the front of the "B". I found myself wondering
> > if the B represented a RTL or LTR character to convince
> > myself that the space would shift as shown. I think it makes
> > a difference but I havent tried it yet.
> Yes, that's exactly why I spent ages adding the colours (and changing it
> from two to four colours) ;-).  I thought that would be pretty obvious
> from reading the text.  Maybe not then.

In my limited testing, it seems that whether B is ltr or rtl is irrelevant,
the space still moves over.
However, it does make a difference how unicode-bidi is set (normal or embed)
so this should be discussed.

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2003 14:47:15 UTC