- From: Richard Ishida <ishida@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 13:30:57 -0000
- To: <public-i18n-geo@w3.org>
I fell upon an interesting thread on the WCAG list which you might be interested in following. Starts at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2003OctDec/0411.html Raised the question in my mind "When tagging language variations in text, where do you draw the line between what is clearly a foreign language phrase, what is a neologism drawn from a foreign source, and what is one of the latter that has become an adopted part of the language?" (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2003OctDec/0425.html) RI ============ Richard Ishida W3C contact info: http://www.w3.org/People/Ishida/ http://www.w3.org/International/ http://www.w3.org/International/geo/ W3C Internationalization FAQs http://www.w3.org/International/questions.html RSS feed: http://www.w3.org/International/questions.rss
Received on Thursday, 4 December 2003 08:31:11 UTC