MINUTES: I18N GEO TF teleconference, 11 nov 2002

AC Andrew Cunningham
SB Steve Billings
RR Russ Rolfe
RI Richard Ishida (chair & scribe)
TT Tex Texin

LH Lloyd Honomichl


Richard: Merge discussion doc and decisions into a framework doc (reqts

All: send in pointers to existing guidelines

Suzanne: put together a list of short term vs. long term goals related
to education and outreach - send it to us for discussion



How to move forward on the identified specs
Agreed to all read through the HTML 4.01 spec
[http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/] before next telecon (or as much of it as
possible), looking for ideas for guidelines.  We should submit our ideas
to public-i18n-geo@w3.org.  We should submit proposed guidelines - just
the pithy do's and don'ts, not with explanatory text etc., but we should
include notes about any additional information that should be included
to round out the guidelines (eg. Point to IANA names lists, etc.).  

A major objective of this exercise is to help us formulate what
guidelines we will be developing.  RI urged all to not just look for
statements re do's and don'ts in the spec, but to consider how they map
to tasks or activities that need to be accomplished.

AC agreed to compile, in rough and ready form, the data that people send

WAI requirements doc
Richard will study this in detail while working on the framework
document, and will liaise with WAI.

All GEO WG members should review (it's very short) and send any
suggestions to the list.

Pointers to existing guidelines

The objective here is to:
1] gather a set of guidelines we can use as sources for our own
guidelines development
2] gather potential guidelines we can point to for areas we are
currently not yet addressing (eg. JSP i18n)

We will take Tex's list of links to guidelines
as a starting point.  We will assess the suitability of linking to Tex's
page and adding new links to that, or establishing our own list.  In
either case a link should be added to the GEO home page.

Everyone is encouraged to submit links, preferably with a brief

We agreed at the FTF to begin an additional recruitment drive.  Specific
people were assigned today to contact people in various companies and
ask whether they knew of people who would be interested in participating
in the GEO work.

RR john jenkins (Apple), andrea vine (Sun), nuray aykin (Siemens),
trados, boeing
TT mark davis, lisa moore (IBM), hideki hiura (Sun)
RI craig cummings (Oracle), yves savourel (RWS), christian lieske (SAP),
frank tang (Netscape), hakon lee (Opera)

Web pages
These have been updated slightly.

Upcoming Meetings
Due to AC wanting to join from Australia, RI will arrange for
teleconference meetings to be moved to 20:00 UTC on Wednesdays.  

At the next teleconference we will decide on whether to plan a telecon
during the Christmas period.

Next telecon: 18 december, 20:00 UTC, Bridge: +1-617-761-6200 (Zakim)
with conference code 4186 (spells "I18N")

Please send corrections, additions, or other comments.
Richard Ishida

tel: +44 1753 480 292

Received on Friday, 13 December 2002 10:33:28 UTC