Hello Unicadetti,
The W3C CSS Working Group and I18N Working Group had a joint meeting this past week. One of the issues discussed was this one: [1].
The issue pertains to the use of emphasis marks (e.g. Japanese bouten). It is customary to skip punctuation characters in these emphasis systems. See [2] and [3] below for specific text (where there is a list of symbols affected).
CSS found that the Unicode general categories don’t align nicely with which characters to skip. W3C doesn’t want to maintain the list of characters to skip/not skip: it would probably make more sense for Unicode to maintain it. Participants speculate that this might be achieved by splitting a general category or via some Unicode property (or some other mechanism).
This email is to ask:
* Is this something Unicode has already solved?
* What, in your opinion, is the best way to address this requirement? (property? Tinkering with categories? Etc.)
* How can we help/track/best report this issue (and others like it)? None of the mechanisms on [4] seem to apply to this kind of request.
Thanks (for W3C I18N on behalf of CSS),
[1] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/839
[2] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-4/#text-emphasis-skip
[3] https://drafts.csswg.org/css-text-decor-4/#text-emphasis-style-property
[4] https://unicode.org/reporting.html
Addison Phillips
Chair (W3C Internationalization WG)
Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.