agenda+ character templates [I18N-ACTION-1260][I18N-ACTION-1257]



Just now I pushed some examples of the updated character formatting
template. I chose a color (a kind of blue, #22a) and modified the styles
local to specdev. I then went through and removed all of the square brackets
and tidied our own use of the template.


In the course of doing this I noticed that we did not give guidance on
omitting the character for invisibles nor on how to handle sequences. I
added text about that. The results can be found in my repo here:


(this is also in my pending PR against specdev)


Let's give this one last look this week. If we like the results, I will
update our other documents (i18n-editors, tr-design, etc.).


A couple of notes about the styling. I added a margin-inline of 0.15em
before the uname to ensure that the character name is separated from the
example character. There's generally a space between the example and the
name, but without the brackets it's not guaranteed to be there. I also
slightly increased the size of the example character to 130% (from 120%) to
give it a bit more "oomph". I think the result looks pretty decent.


Addison Phillips

Chair (W3C Internationalization WG)


Internationalization is not a feature.

It is an architecture.


Received on Saturday, 8 April 2023 07:28:46 UTC