RE: New article draft for review: Working with source code markup and code examples for RTL scripts

… and having said that, now I see where you do call it out several times. 


From: Addison Phillips <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 12:14 PM
To: 'r12a' <>; 'Internationalization Working Group' <>
Subject: RE: New article draft for review: Working with source code markup and code examples for RTL scripts


Hi Richard,


Thanks for this. The article is really well written.


I didn’t see you call out the shaping of the < and > characters. Did I miss it? The shaping aspect means that it is possible to create markup that has apparently unbalanced angle brackets (when in fact they are balanced) as in the screen shot below (the space before em is because the bidi demo page would turn the angle brackets into an emphasis tag otherwise):





Also, (putting on my Unicode MFv2 hat for a second), I note that message format placeholders have significant issues in this area. Existing MF and MFv2 use { and } as delimiters and tend to have ASCII tokens inside the placeholders, so this is a consideration for other markup regimes beyond just HTML.




Addison Phillips

Chair (W3C I18N WG, Unicode MFWG)


Internationalization is not a feature.

It is an architecture.





From: r12a < <> > 
Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2023 4:53 AM
To: Internationalization Working Group < <> >
Subject: New article draft for review: Working with source code markup and code examples for RTL scripts


While working on the new version of (PR at we came across a link to, which talks about problems when working on bidi source code.  That page is out of date and no longer used, so i tried to capture the relevant information in a new article.

See for an initial draft.

Any comments?


Received on Thursday, 6 April 2023 10:17:11 UTC