I18N-ISSUE-502: Unicode equivalent type all not clear ??? [find-text]

I18N-ISSUE-502: Unicode equivalent type all not clear ⓟ [find-text]


Raised by: Addison Phillips
On product: find-text


The specification defines a Unicode equivalence type 'all' whose usage is unclear. Here's the description:

The search MUST use either canonical (NFC/NFD) or compatibility (NFKC/NFKD) Unicode equivalence of characters, whichever produces the more liberal match. 

The intention appears to be that all four must be applied to determine which is the "most liberal match". This, combined with other options (case folding, distance) is likely to be extremely slow and possible not useful.

Note that one of the compatibility normalization forms is likely to be the most promiscuous match in all cases.

Received on Friday, 16 October 2015 21:50:34 UTC