Seeking guidance or closure on ISSUE-464

Dear I18N Working Group,

Back in April, you commented on the Media Capture and Streams document 
about the usage made in that specification of human-readable labels for 
media capture devices, and highlighted the lack of I18N-metadata on the 
structure where these labels are stored.

We had understood from follow-up discussions that the I18N Working Group 
might come back with a specific proposal to address this which we could 
review to assess whether we could make use of it in our API.

 From what I've been able to find in the archives, Addisson started 
addressing the question in a wiki page:

But it's not clear to me whether this proposal has received any kind of 
endorsement by the group, nor if this is a proposal mature enough for 
consideration by the Media Capture Task Force.

As we are seeking to bring the Media Capture and Streams specification 
to Candidate Recommendation, we would appreciate your input as to how we 
might proceed with this issue.

In particular, given the relative lack of progress on the overall topic 
of making JavaScript strings adapted to locales, and given that this 
topic is not specific or limited to the Media Capture and Streams, we 
would like to hear whether the group would object to postponing the 
proper handling of this aspect to a later version of the Media Capture 
and Stream specification.



Received on Friday, 25 September 2015 14:02:36 UTC