I18N-ISSUE-474: What are the rules for string equality when column names are matched with annotations ??? [tabular-data-rdf]

I18N-ISSUE-474: What are the rules for string equality when column names are matched with annotations ⓟ [tabular-data-rdf]


Raised by: Steven Atkin
On product: tabular-data-rdf

7.2 Example with single table and rich annotations

When the names of the columns in the CSV data are compared with the names of the columns in the annotations what is the rule for determining if they are the same? For example, is equality based solely on the UTF-8 raw byte sequence or is some form of Unicode Normalization applied first and does case matter when making comparisons?

It is recommended that Unicode text not be normalized if it is already in a Unicode encoding. If text needs to be converted into Unicode, then a normalizing transcoder should be used and text be normalized into Unicode Normal Form C.

It is recommended that case sensitive matching be used when making comparisons.

Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 20:14:03 UTC