LTLI changes


I have embarked on reorganizing and editing LTLI to bring it up to date.

As we discussed in the teleconference this week [1], I converted the existing WD document to ReSpec format and updated the references, making only minimal changes as I did so.

However, the document didn't really hang together. Much has happened since 2006 (like... RFC4646 was published and then obsoleted!). So I embarked on a full reorg and rewrite. The current result of that is now parked at the URI I gave in the teleconference [2]. Because the previous version is of interest, I preserved it at [3]. The document is still in fairly rough shape. The references to the WS-I18N tombstone probably need attention. The definitions in WS-I18N-Scenarios probably should move here. Etc. The changes are already extensive enough to make a diff somewhat awful to behold, so I haven't produced a static one.

Comments and contributions welcome. 


I specifically copied you to let you know that we have restarted work on this document. Because several Web technologies, notably forms in HTML5 as well as the work Norbert and others have been doing on JavaScript, are dabbling with locale-related operations, the Working Group felt that this document was going to be necessary as a reference sooner or later. The goal of this document is not to supplant or in any way compete with UTS#35, CLDR, or other efforts. Indeed, I think we see it as a bridge between language tags used in markup and locale implementations on the Web. It is likely that the document will end up with a recommendation that RFC6067 (extension U) be used for identifying locale variations and feature prominent links to CLDR (while allowing other implementations to exist).

For numerous reasons that I hardly need to enumerate, you're probably interested in this work. So I thought I'd make special note of our activity to you now. Please share in Unicode/CLDR TC/etc. as necessary.




Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect (Amazon Lab126)
Chair (W3C I18N WG)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Saturday, 15 November 2014 20:27:04 UTC