Re: Initial cut at Locale-based forms in HTML pages

On 14/10/2014 17:27, Leandro Reis wrote:
> Thanks for putting this together, Richard.
> I support the use of the lang attribute in the form control for locale
> identification, but there are certain valid BCP47 values, such as those
> with just the language tag, that are insufficient to help determine which
> format to use with numbers, dates, and times. For example, ³fr² does not
> provide enough information to determine whether the decimal separator to
> use should be the comma (as used in France) or the period (as used in
> Switzerland). Same problem arises with invalid language tags.
> For such cases, shall we explicitly specify that a fallback locale (which
> provides sufficient information) should be used?

hi Leandro,

Sorry to be late answering this. Addison already gave the answer I 
would.  In fact, we do allude to this in the wiki page under the heading 
"Where to declare the language tag that will be used for locale 
setting?", but I thought it raised some additional questions, and so I 
created a new section "What to do if the locale is under-specified?".

I also added some more discussion text to the former section.


Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 16:40:41 UTC