Re: [css3-background] should box-decoration-break also apply to bidi reordering splits?

On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 10:30 AM, fantasai
<> wrote:
> Dear i18nwg,
> Bert and I have an issue open on whether 'box-decoration-break' should
> also apply when boxes break apart due to bidi reordering. We're leaning
> towards making 'box-decoration-break' apply, but were wondering if you
> had an opinion. :)
> Basically, what this does is determine whether the box is sliced across
> a break (the default) or whether each piece of the broken box is
> wrapped individually with its own border/padding/background/etc.
> Here's a test case that shows such a situation:
> This is ISSUE-182

I think it should apply.


Received on Wednesday, 11 January 2012 18:56:02 UTC