More work on inline bidi article, and an issue to consider

I have added examples to the article for all use cases and a few more, 
(no change marks).

As I worked through examples, the following thought kept banging against 
my head...

bdi is fine and dandy for wrestling with your typical inline 
bidirectional text issues, but its use for injected text is a little 
strange, if you step back.

Essentially we are telling developers all around the world that anywhere 
they insert text into their page they have to add some bidi-specific 
markup.  It's not semantically elegant, and it feels a little odd - and 
I guess most people will just not think about the possibility of bidi 
being an issue most of the time.

I suspect that a better approach would be to have an element dedicated 
to marking the location of inserted text, and secretly endow that 
element with the properties we need for bidi support. As such it would 
be identical to using bdi, but it would seem more natural to 
non-bidi-aware developers.

We already have an element that is close to this: output[1]. I'm 
thinking that we should ask the HTML WG to either expand the role of 
output so that it's not just for the result of calculations, or create a 
new element (that is essentially an alternative to bdi).

What do people think?


Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Received on Tuesday, 24 April 2012 17:04:26 UTC