Face-to-face meeting on "Additional Requirements for Bidi in HTML"

This is a resend from the public-i18n-bidi@ list.

The next step on the Additional Requirements for Bidi in
HTML<http://www.w3.org/TR/html-bidi/>proposal is to resolve the open
issues raised during discussion on the
public-i18n-bidi@ list, as well as nail down the CSS implications. I think
that this would go a lot more quickly if a bunch of us got into the same
room at the same time to do so. Meetings over a couple of days would
probably be necessary.

One possible venue would be at the Google office in Mountain View,
California. There has also been an offer to host this at the W3C office in
Rabat, Morocco. I am open to other suggestions.

Possible dates would be:

May 24 - 25
The week of June 7
The week of June 14

It would be very helpful if everyone interested in attending would respond
to me directly (aharon@google.com) with their preferred and possible dates
and venues.

Thanks a lot,
Aharon Lanin

Received on Monday, 10 May 2010 08:22:53 UTC