Re: Usage of language tags in SKOS

I understand the problem, though I am not sure if we should push for this
(or rather I) in a comment on the proposed recommendation, since it is not a
problem of the usage of language tags in SKOS which Martin and I mentioned,
but rather a general SKOS design problem. But we will see what the group
discusses on tomorrows call.


2009/6/24 Simon Spero <>

> There are several other serious problems with the current SKOS draft, but I
> will limit myself here to an issue with the use of prefLabel and language
> tags that has not been mentioned in this thread: a concept can have multiple
> classification numbers from the same scheme.
> For example, many library of congress subject headings are associated with
> mutiple Dewey Decimal numbers.
> Since there can only be one prefLabel per concept per language, this
> presents a problem.
> Simon // not as big a problem as the redefinition of broader though

Received on Tuesday, 23 June 2009 20:13:12 UTC