Re: Proposed resolution of HRRI/IRI discussion

At 06:12 07/11/06, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

>I have one small request for a reduction of ambiguity in section 7.2
>of your draft (for which many thanks).  Since section 7.3 actually in
>one way or another lists _all_ characters not allowed in IRIs,
>including those not allowed in LEIRIs either, we would suggest
> "each character not allowed in an IRI"
>  =---->
> "each character allowed in a LEIRI but not allowed in an IRI"

Hello Henry,

I have applied this edit to my local editing copy, but because
the original phrase is actually
   "each character not allowed in an IRI reference"
the new wording is
   "each character allowed in a Legacy Extended IRI reference but
    not allowed in an IRI reference"

Maybe something more explicit about the fact that Legacy extended IRIs
and Legacy Extended IRI references work in parallel is necessary?

Regards,    Martin.

#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Tuesday, 6 November 2007 06:46:56 UTC