Re: Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) in progress

Martin Duerst wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
>  From my reading of Najib's mail, especially the
> "Yet another breaking of open doors?", it seems that
> in Najib's opinion,
Hello Martin,

I have far less experience than you with IDNs issues.
I made this opinion  (that I expressed differently), months ago when 
reading a mail from you, Martin, commenting the ICANN's test of root 
servers for TLDs in Punycode.

>  the real IDN issue with ICANN is that
> they drag their feet, now for years, in introducing non-ASCII
> TLDs, and with the recent announcement, they just have found
> a way to extend dragging their feet for another few months at least.
> I would have to fully and completely agree with the above opinion.
> I wonder what's the best way to tell this to ICANN, maybe you can
> give us some advice?
> Regards,   Martin.

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2007 14:10:23 UTC