[I18N Core] Teleconference Minutes 2007-05-29


Text version follows:

                             i18n Core WG

29 May 2007

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2007/05/29-core-irc


          Richard, David, Andrew, Felix




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]action items
         2. [5]Info share
         3. [6]Next week
     * [7]Summary of Action Items

action items

   <fsasaki> ACTION: David, provide a response to thread on mail public
   list w proposal on what to say to CSS wrt
   [recorded in

      [8] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2007Apr/0045.html

   <fsasaki> ACTION: Andrew, read comments for What should I consider
   wrt moving to UTF-8?
   and seek resolutions and propose necessary edits [recorded in

     [10] http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-upgrade.en.php
     [11] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/17-core-minutes.html#action11

   <fsasaki> Andrew has read the comments

   <scribe> ACTION: Andrew, send proposals to list for changes to What
   should I consider wrt moving to UTF-8?
   [recorded in

     [12] http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-upgrade.en.php

   <scribe> ACTION: David, redraft What is encoding, and why should I
   care? [14]http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoEncoding for 1st May recorded
   in [15]http://www.w3.org/2007/04/17-core-minutes.html#action02]

     [14] http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoEncoding
     [15] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/17-core-minutes.html#action02

   moving, very slowly

   <scribe> ACTION: Felix to prepare Unicode in XML .. WG Note for
   publication [recorded in
   [16]http://www.w3.org/2007/04/24-core-minutes.html#action07] DONE

     [16] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/24-core-minutes.html#action07

Info share

   Richard presented at the @media conference in San Francisco last
   week - went well - 150 web developers and designers present (single
   track) - lots of interest in the talk, and most of the following
   speakers alluded to it, Tantek Celik even added a new slide to
   address some i18n stuff

   [17]http://crazyegg.com/dashboard#58733 points to a test run by RI
   on the i18n home page, using a free account to track where people
   clicked on the home page. User name ishida@w3.org, password

     [17] http://crazyegg.com/dashboard#58733

   The results are interesting:
     * in 1982 visits over the last 12 days, there were 899 clicks
       recorded on the page
     * nearly every link on the page has been selected, ranging across
       the whole of the page
     * the clear leader is the search box in the top right of the page,
       followed by the search box half-way down the right side (for
       news items in particular) - they scored 106 and 49 clicks
     * after the search boxes, the next most frequently clicked links
       were all in the Getting Started section top-left, as follows:
       Start here, 62 clicks; Introducing character sets and encodings,
       24 clicks; language on the web, 20 clicks; Quick tips, 9 clicks.
       This is very significant. RI wasn't sure previously whether
       those articles were being accessed from the home page, but we
       see that they are actually the most popular. AC suggests that we
       provide additional articles of this type, therefore.
     * The topic index links on the left are also being used. The most
       clicked link is Language, followed by Characters. 52% of the
       clicks on Language, however, came from people who came to the
       i18n home page from the WAI page at

Next week

   Felix: XQuery full text working drafts, Felix volunteers to lead
   review, LC finishes 22 June

   schedule initial discussion for next week

   RI: we should talk about WCAG responses to our comments next week

   also discuss Andrew's proposals wrt What is encoding, and why should
   I care? [18]http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoEncoding

     [18] http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoEncoding

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Andrew, read comments for What should I consider wrt
   moving to UTF-8?
   and seek resolutions and propose necessary edits [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: Andrew, send proposals to list for changes to What
   should I consider wrt moving to UTF-8?
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: David, provide a response to thread on mail public
   list w proposal on what to say to CSS wrt
   [recorded in

     [19] http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-upgrade.en.php
     [20] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/17-core-minutes.html#action11
     [21] http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-utf8-upgrade.en.php
     [23] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2007Apr/0045.html

   [PENDING] ACTION: David, redraft What is encoding, and why should I
   care? [25]http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoEncoding for 1st May recorded
   in [26]http://www.w3.org/2007/04/17-core-minutes.html#action02]

     [25] http://esw.w3.org/topic/geoEncoding
     [26] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/17-core-minutes.html#action02

   [DONE] ACTION: Felix to prepare Unicode in XML .. WG Note for
   publication [recorded in

     [27] http://www.w3.org/2007/04/24-core-minutes.html#action07

   [End of minutes]

Richard Ishida
Internationalization Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2007 20:41:47 UTC