Further update on LTLI

I continued the update on LTLI described at
. See the changelog at
http://www.w3.org/International/core/langtags/#revisionlog .

It would be great to get feedback on three question:

- What topic is *not* covered by the document yet? By "covered" I don't
mean that the text about the topic is completely finished, but that the
topic has a - more or less filled - place in the document.

- Do you agree with the general structure of the document?

- I have integrated best practices statements in each subsection of sec. 3
(except sec. 3.6, not done yet), and in sec. 4. Do you agree with this
approach? Should we get rid of the normative statements in sec. 6, or sec.
6 as a whole?


Received on Saturday, 9 December 2006 00:23:02 UTC