Re: i18n core comments on "Time Ontology in OWL" Working Draft

HI Feng,

Thank you for your reply. The i18n core WG discussed your response
yesterday, and we are o.k. with it, including the "duration" issue. Just
one remark below.

On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 21:36 -0800, Feng Pan wrote:
> Hi Felix,
> Thank you for your comments on the time ontology note. Please see our 
> reply below.
> > - General: The i18n core WG has published a Working Group note on
> > "Working with Time Zones", see
> > . It would be great if
> > you could consider adopting the following terminology, which is
> > described in that note:
> > * time zone: an identifier for a specific location or region which
> > translates into a combination of rules for calculating the UTC offset.
> > * zone offset: the difference in hours and minutes between a particular
> > time zone and UTC
> > * ID for a time zone: necessary for a time zone sensitive calendar system.
> > Although you use both the terms "time zone" and "zone offset", we think
> > that a section with clear definitions would be beneficial.
> We can refer to your working group note in the time ontology note to share 
> the terminology.
> > - The translation of durations between various country / region specific
> > calendars might become difficult with your design of durations. An
> > example: translating a 1 month duration into another calendar, for
> > example, gets hard, since "1 month" is not a fixed number of days in
> > either the source or target calendar.
> It's the convention of people's everyday life to use "month" as a unit, 
> e.g., "2 months and 3 days". Although "1 month" has no
> fixed number of days in general, it can be fixed when anchored on the time 
> line, e.g., "1 month" of March in 2006 has 31 days.
> > - The "Olson time zone database" is a common source for time zone IDs.
> > See for more information. It would
> > be great if you could refer to that data base and describe how your
> > ontology relates to it (has it more information, less / the same?).
> > See sec. .
> Thanks for the reference. I think we are pretty similar in terms of the 
> coverage. The "Olson time zone database" is probably
> more committed in maintaining it, so it would be great if their data could 
> be mapped or transformed to a Semantic Web format,
> e.g., in RDF or OWL.

We think so too - is that something you could or somebody in your
Working Group could work on? We are happy to give advice in judging the
result, but can't make the first draft, since we are not experts in
creating RDF / OWL formats.


> Thanks!
> Feng Pan and Jerry Hobbs
> --
> Feng Pan, Ph.D. Candidate
> USC Information Sciences Institute (ISI)
> Email:
> Web:

Received on Wednesday, 6 December 2006 00:03:26 UTC