[Fwd: a request for comment from the i18n WG]


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: a request for comment from the i18n WG
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 20:38:16 -0600
De: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen <cmsmcq@acm.org>
Pour: francois@yergeau.com, Felix Sasaki <fsasaki@w3.org>
Copie: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen <cmsmcq@acm.org>

Francois, Felix,

it occurs to me that it would be useful to know i18n's reaction to
the proposal
made by the XML Query and XSL WGs about the type xsd:string, namely
that for certain purposes strings should be treated as equal (not
identical) if they have the same Unicode-normalized form.


I can imagine either that i18n would be happy with the idea, since it
would give some prominence to questions of normalization, or
alternatively that you might be very unhappy with it, as making it
too easy for generators of XML to evade the consequences of failure
to perform Unicode normalization.

I'd send this to the WG myself, as an inquiry, but at the moment I'm
not entirely certain which i18n list I should address myself to.  Feel
free to forward this mail to the appropriate group(s).



Received on Monday, 11 September 2006 18:37:08 UTC