Re: [Fwd: Re: Information about xquery review]

I'll help.  I'll take XSLT docs, but I don't see them specifically 
listed in the links below.  What are the links?

Felix Sasaki wrote:
> Dear all,
> The XML Query Working Group and the XSL Working Group released twelve 
> Working Drafts for the XQuery, XPath and XSLT languages, which are in 
> last call through 13 May. Based on work from Martin Dürst (see attached 
> mail), I will review these specifications, but due to the limited time I 
> would appreciate some help. Any volunteers?
> Regards, Felix Sasaki.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> Re: Information about xquery review
> From:
> Martin Duerst <>
> Date:
> Sat, 09 Apr 2005 11:32:52 +0900
> To:
> Felix Sasaki <>
> To:
> Felix Sasaki <>
> CC:
> Richard Ishida <>,
> At 03:42 05/04/09, Felix Sasaki wrote:
>  >Hi Martin,
>  >
>  >On the i81n-core telecon two weeks ago you said you would sent me 
> information about your work on the xquery review. I have nothing 
> received yet. Could you please send me your info?
> Oh yes, this is way overdue. Thanks for reminding me.
> I18N last call comments on XQuery/XPath Data Model
> I18N last call comments on XQuery/XPath Fun/Op (first part)
> I18N last call comments on XQuery/XPath Fun/Op (2nd part)
> Additional comments/clarifications
> Please also have a look at
> for some drafts and discussions.
> [Serial] I18N WG last call comments
> [XQuery] I18N last call comments
> [XPointer] I18N last call comments (should have been [XPath]
> See also
> I think these are the major ones, and definitely a lot for a start,
> but I'm not totally sure this is complete.
> Please feel free to forward.   Regards,    Martin.

Received on Monday, 11 April 2005 21:47:03 UTC