Re: Feedback for rb from (was RE: HTML5 and ruby

On 01/21/2012 11:50 AM, Koji Ishii wrote:
> One guy said that double-sided ruby is used more than most people would expect. Kanji/reading/English is one use case. The other case is when to put ruby for the pseudo-Chinese reading (On-yomi in Japanese) and Japanese reading (Kun-yomi in Japanese.) He wonders why HTML5 doesn't have rb to express double-sided ruby and strongly wishes it back.

Hi Koji,
If you could collect examples showing that double-sided ruby is more
common than expected, I think that would help a lot. Hixie asked me
for examples, but I was only able to provide one, and he didn't find
it acceptable.


Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 02:06:10 UTC