Re: Thoughts on ruby

On 09/24/2010 06:26 AM, Richard Ishida wrote:
> writing an HTML5 bug report to propose that.) It needs to be made clear,
> however, that it is possible to wrap a line at the boundary of ruby pairs,
> ie. after<rt>  elements, but not anywhere else.  Otherwise, you'll get a
> mess.

I'll just note, that it should only be allowed to break between ruby
pairs if a line break is allowed between those ruby bases. For example,
if I put a gloss over "butterfly"
that should not be allowed to break because "butterfly" is not allowed
to break. But if I put a mono gloss over "蝴碟", then it is allowed to
break, because "蝴碟" is allowed to break.

Other than that, the rest of your email totally makes sense.


Received on Friday, 24 September 2010 14:57:53 UTC