Re: First strong on strings surrounded by isolate controls

On 15/09/2016 05:44, Martin J. Dürst wrote:
> This is a very high level, speculative comment, but I'll make it anyway:
> You sound as if the isolates are too isolated. My understanding is that
> we introduced the isolates because the embeddings were not independent
> (isolated) enough and interacted with their surroundings too much.
> Did we overdo (if maybe even just so sligthly) the isolation when we
> created isolates? Or would we (at least in theory) need a third kind of
> range, somewhere in between isolates and embeddings in independency?

i don't think the level of isolation is the problem, i think it's more 
to do with an isolated range being treated as a neutral character 
(whereas a non-isolated embedded range (eg. RLE) is treated as a strong 


Received on Thursday, 15 September 2016 04:52:10 UTC