Re: <br> as paragraph separator

On 2010/12/16 8:23, Asmus Freytag wrote:

> When the story was, "oh, nobody implements it correctly anyway" that
> provided a lot more leeway to bring the standard inline with practice.
> That leeway is now gone.

That wasn't the story. The story was something like "Mozilla does it 
correctly, but IE does it wrong, and won't change, so we have to change 
to IE's ways". So there is even less leeway.

Anyway, we should bring all these things to the attention of the HTML 
folks, in particular Ian. They have their own ideas on <br> and they 
have their own guidelines on how to treat things with certain 
implementation conformance. Also, they will know how 'strict' is 
supposed to relate to HTML5.

As for TR 20, I think we still need to change something. Because current 
browser implementation varies, we can at least for the current time not 
stay with the simple "LS is just a <br>".

Regards,   Martin.

#-# Martin J. Dürst, Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Thursday, 16 December 2010 02:51:47 UTC