Re: [clreq] 建議增加雙行夾注 (#109)

Draft translation for

3.4 行内夹注 | Inline annotations

3.4.1 行内夹注的使用 | Usage of inline annotations


Inline annotations refer to the explanatory text which is inserted directly after the relevant words in the text. There are two types of inline annotations. When laid out in a single line, they are referred to as "single-line annotations". When laid out in two lines, they are referred to as "double-line annotations". Both can be used when text is laid out horizontally or vertically. As inline annotations are a straightfoward way to explain words and phrases directly in the text, it is commonly seen in commentary for classical books, traditional Chinese medicine, screenplays and reference books.

3.4.2 行内夹注的字号与行距 | Word spacing and line spacing for inline annotations

行内夹注的字号必须小于正文字号。常见做法有:正文为五号字,夹注用六号字;正文小四号(12 pt),夹注用小五号(9pt);正文用小五(9pt)夹注用七号(6pt)。单行夹注时,正文五号字夹注常用小五号(9pt)。



Note: I realised that the JLReq uses " Inline Cutting Note" (

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