Restructuring of the ALReq document


We are rolling out a new, standard format for layout requirements 
documents across the various language enablement initiatives.  The new 
format contains links at the start of a major section that point to 
relevant information, such as other requirements, tests, discussions, 
etc, relevant to Arabic/Persian language text.  In addition, the 
structure and the main headings have been standardised, though the alreq 
doc was pretty close to that structure already.

You'll also notice that the list of editors has changed.  This is 
because of changes to the W3C publication process, which require all 
editors to be actively maintaining the document and participating in the 
group at the time of publication. Editors are now expected to be one or 
2 people who facilitate the publication process, rather than a list of 
content authors. However, we very much want  to ensure that the 
contributions of previous authors are recognised, so we added a 
Contributors section and moved it to the very top of the introduction. 
All the original authors are listed there.  This will also be useful, 
because it gives us the ability to indicate who contributed what.

Please take a look at the document in this temporary location, and let 
me know if you have any questions or comments.  Unless i hear a 
showstopper, i hope to publish this in about a week to 10 days.


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 16:21:52 UTC