[hcg] Minutes HCG call March 12, 2010 (including discussion of deprecating DOMActivate)

(note, some member-only links are included)

and below as text:

      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

              Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference
                              12 Mar 2010

   See also: [2]IRC log

      [2] http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-irc


          Plh, Kazuyuki, Debbie_Dahl, Doug_Schepers, Steven, ChrisL,
          paulc, Janina, Shepazu

          Robin, Berjon




     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]action item
         2. [5]deprecating DOMACtivate event
     * [6]Summary of Action Items

   <trackbot> Date: 12 March 2010

   <scribe> scribe: ddahl

action item

   close action 47

   close action-47

   <trackbot> ACTION-47 Ask richard to send message about referencing
   BCP47 to chairs@w3.org closed

   <ChrisL> action-32?

   <trackbot> ACTION-32 -- Deborah Dahl to follow up on scxml
   implementations from KDE -- due 2009-09-30 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [7]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/32

      [7] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/32

   <ChrisL> action-42?

   <trackbot> ACTION-42 -- Chris Lilley to create telcon time WBS
   survey -- due 2010-01-22 -- OPEN

   <trackbot> [8]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/42

      [8] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/42

   debbie: action 32 should be continued

   chris: did check on script for picking times, but seemed complicated
   ... action 42

   <ChrisL> action-44?

   <trackbot> ACTION-44 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to look into funding for
   browser testing from Web Foundation and NIST -- due 2010-03-31 --

   <trackbot> [9]http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/44

      [9] http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/44

   chris: changing to summer time in North America next week, so Europe
   times will be different for the next two weeks, this will affect our
   next call
   ... action 44, not due yet

deprecating DOMACtivate event



   <ChrisL> hi janina we are about todiscuss deprecating domactivate

   chris: seem to have the correct people here
   ... HTML, WAI, XForms, SVG mention it

   debbie: not in VoiceXML or MMI

   chris: may not be directly referenced in WAI specs, but "click" is
   very mouse-specific



   chris: "click" is easier to generate than "activate", so could rely
   on it

   janina: some take the position that "click" is the generic
   ... others want the semantic distinction

   chris: if DOMActivate is deprecated, could modify the documentation
   for "click" to describe its semantics as equivalent to "activate"

   doug: using a keyboard, tab to a link or button, if you hit spacebar
   or enter, would generate a DOMActivate event but not a "click"
   event, but now in current browsers you do generate a "click" event
   ... if UA supports both DOMActivate and click, you could distinguish
   between them

   janina: no one has come up with different behavior for the two cases

   doug: touchscreen and pen interfaces raise issues for possible other
   kinds of events, so there might be a number of different ways to
   activate something
   ... WebApps WG will be talking about other kinds of interfaces, but
   thinks that we'll have to solve the issue of activation in another
   ... we could resurrect DOMActivate if we need to
   ... even in deprecating it, we're actually defining it better than
   ... "alternate input device" spec needs to consider these issues

   steven: the concern is that in 10 years time we will start hearing
   the opposite
   ... it's good that browser vendors have made click interoperable,
   but what's the problem with keeping DOMActivate around as well
   ... some specs have existing content, why take DOMActivate away?

   chris: deprecating means that it should be supported but new content
   shouldn't use it
   ... now click is widely implemented, activate is sporadically
   ... most content seems to be looking for a click event
   ... not really deprecating, but changing focus and best practices

   doug: deprecation is a warning to authors
   ... that a feature will be removed in the next version
   ... doesn't tell implementations what to do

   <paulc> deprecation usually means the feature MIGHT be removed in
   the future

   <paulc> in my experience the actual removal decision is usually left
   to a later decision

   (discussion about whether XForms defines or references DOMActivate)

   doug: DOMActivate is a general event across languages
   ... we should adapt to where implementations are at a certain time
   ... DOMActivate is harming accesibility because we're telling
   authors to do something that doesn't work, authors who use
   DOMActivate are making their content less accessible

   paul: why does "deprecate" mean "will be removed" not "might be
   removed" in next version?
   ... is a warning about a possible future action, not a certain one
   ... the decision is left to the future version

   doug: I agree with deprecate meaning "might be removed"
   ... this decision was made in consultation with accessibility

   janina: in general approves, but not all key people were in on
   ... in accessibility we're interested in the functionality, not so
   much what it's called

   chris: it could be clarified that name is historical and clarify
   what the exact semantics is

   janina: that would help

   doug: I think I covered those concerns in the documentation

   chris: if people are hung up on the name that can be explained
   ... in documentation

   janina: WAI-PF took an action to offer an opinion but need more

   <scribe> ACTION: janina to schedule a WAI-PF call on deprecating
   DOMActivate and report back to HCG [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-50 - Schedule a WAI-PF call on deprecating
   DOMActivate and report back to HCG [on Janina Sajka - due

   doug: trying to clarify difference between DOMActivate and
   activation behavior.
   ... activation behavior is made even more explicit in DOM3 events,
   ... is to throw a click event
   ... we aren't removing DOMActivate from DOM 2 events or even DOM 3
   ... did not remove it, but just deprecated
   ... if XForms needs DOMActivate, you could keep referring to DOM 2
   or define it yourself

   steven: then it becomes a different event with the same name

   doug: DOMActivate is different XForms is different from HTML because
   it's not bound to a UI in XForms
   ... DOMActivate wasn't specified well in DOM 2, properties not
   ... well

   steven: we list the ones we're expecting but don't define them



   <ChrisL> DOMActivate

   <ChrisL> The activate event occurs when an element is activated, for
   instance, thru a mouse click or a keypress. A numerical argument is
   provided to give an indication of the type of activation that
   occurs: 1 for a simple activation (e.g. a simple click or Enter), 2
   for hyperactivation (for instance a double click or Shift Enter).

   <ChrisL> * Bubbles: Yes

   <ChrisL> * Cancelable: Yes

   <ChrisL> * Context Info: detail (the numerical value)

   steven: we want the same event, we don't want different languages to
   have the event "DOMActivate" with different meanings

   <ChrisL> click

   <ChrisL> The click event occurs when the pointing device button is
   clicked over an element. A click is defined as a mousedown and
   mouseup over the same screen location. The sequence of these events

   <ChrisL> mousedown

   <ChrisL> mouseup

   <ChrisL> click

   <ChrisL> If multiple clicks occur at the same screen location, the
   sequence repeats with the detail attribute incrementing with each
   repetition. This event is valid for most elements.

   <ChrisL> * Bubbles: Yes

   <ChrisL> * Cancelable: Yes

   <ChrisL> * Context Info: screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, altKey,
   ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, detail

   steven: these examples are monolithic languages, but XForms is
   directed at multiple languages

   doug: but there would be only one DOMActivate, the one in XForms,
   because other languages don't use it

   chris: does HTML5 refer to DOMActivate or click?

   doug: it does refer to "click" not sure about DOMActivate, it's
   probably not

   chris: in DOM 2 events, DOMActivate has some content that click

   doug: tried to spell out all properties in DOM 3

   <shepazu> [14]http://www.w3.org/mid/4B888B0A.6080104@w3.org

     [14] http://www.w3.org/mid/4B888B0A.6080104@w3.org



   doug: also talks about "event order", a sequence for when events are
   fired on activation
   ... the context info actually spells out the default values, every
   property will be listed with its default value
   ... "context info" will probably be changed to "default values"

   chris: if someone is looking to see if someone is using a pointer,
   and they might not be able to use "click" to get to pointer-specific
   stuff, like a screen location

   doug: there is nothing here that would tell you that it came from a
   key event vs. mouse event
   ... you could come up with a use case about why someone would want
   to know how something was activated

   <paulc> I have to leave for another meeting.

   doug: could make it so that the value is null rather than zero

   <scribe> ACTION: doug to raise issue with accessibility of null vs
   zero [recorded in

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-51 - Raise issue with accessibility of
   null vs zero [on Doug Schepers - due 2010-03-19].

   if voice activation, you definitely need to know if the activation
   was by voice or by mouse/keyboard, because voice is less certain

   so you might not be as sure with voice that you've gotten exactly
   what they said

   doug: not sure you get that with DOMActivate, either



   doug: text input distinguishes between multiple input methods

   <ChrisL> "Implementations must dispatch the synthesized click event
   as described above even if they do not normally dispatch such an
   event (e.g. when activation is requested by a voice command, since
   this specification does not address event types for voice input)."

   debbie: I could see an actual activation by voice -- eg you say
   "here's my address" and the address field becomes activated

   <ChrisL> it would be selected, not activated

   ok, I'll think of some more voice use cases

   doug: please read the specification and emails for future
   ... suggest that concerns be discussed by email

   <ChrisL> I really expected that we would have a resolution here

   doug: before we schedule another telecon have some email discussion

   <ChrisL> adjourned

   s/doug: I could see an/debbie: I could see an

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: doug to raise issue with accessibility of null vs zero
   [recorded in
   [NEW] ACTION: janina to schedule a WAI-PF call on deprecating
   DOMActivate and report back to HCG [recorded in

   [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 12 March 2010 22:47:30 UTC