Possibility for help in demonstrating HYDRA specs


I have already written these lines in the Slack channel but I think here we
can talk about it more thoughtfully:

> I wonder if it would be interesting for the Group to participate to the
Google Summer Of Code 2017. I have been a Python volunteer for the 2016
edition. I know for sure that Python Software Foundation is looking for
sub-orgs willing to present a project.
> I think it should be nice if we can present a proposition for a Python
smart server-client.
> Anybody in here in charge for the administrative side of the W3C group? I
can introduce a coordinator to the GSOC Python Foundation coordinator.
> Whay do you think about? We have to quite hurry up because terms to
present are expiring.

I started a repo for a blueprint about (https://github.com/HTTP-APIs/hydrus)
but this opportunity may be a great boost for the Spec.


Lorenzo Moriondo, from mobile

Received on Wednesday, 1 February 2017 18:07:57 UTC