Re: Hydra Telecon Minutes for 2017-04-17

2017-04-19 10:57 GMT+02:00 Tomasz Pluskiewicz <>:

> On a related note, I'd keep the snippets as plain-JSON as possible and keep
> any mentions of RDF/OWL separate.


> And for future use cases, I'd document entire client-server interactions with
> exchanged representations.

Not only for future, but for all. The full dialogue should be documented, imho.

> And don't hesitate to submit a PR already. It will be easier to discuss details.
> I'd go as far as submitting a separate pull request for each use case...

Indeed, then we can discuss each use-case in separate PR threads and
continue to improve upon it until we reach some sort of consensus.

Asbjørn Ulsberg           -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2017 11:31:24 UTC