- From: Ruben Verborgh <Ruben.Verborgh@UGent.be>
- Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2016 22:16:07 +0000
- To: Markus Lanthaler <markus.lanthaler@gmx.net>
- CC: Hydra <public-hydra@w3.org>
> does anyone have some concrete suggestions or ideas on how to re-start the work on Hydra? I'd suggest the following: – Split up in two task forces: one for description, one for hypermedia controls – Appoint responsible people for leading each task force (organizing meetings etc.) – Set deadlines, milestones, deliverables I think this would advance things. Best, Ruben
Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2016 22:16:41 UTC