Re: Hydra Status

Dear all,

Yes, we need to do something to bring the ideas in Hydra back to life.

At the same time, I think we need a grand architectural vision for all of this.
Only bottom-up, issue-driven improvement will not get us there, I'm afraid.

I think we need to make a clean start and do things the right way:
start from the scenarios we which to enable,
define concrete use cases and examples of how Hydra should be used.

Then, we should work our way top-down, finding the larger pieces we need
(two distinct pieces being API description and hypermedia controls, IMHO)
and than gradually going down, perhaps with different subgroups
working on different pieces of varying granularity.

I believe the current Hydra specification was great as a working document,
and has spawned several ideas and discussions,
but I'm afraid we'd become stuck in such discussions
if we don't get the grand design right upfront.
We now have more experience to get this right
than we had when this was all starting,
so I propose we all take the opportunity to do so.



Received on Friday, 11 November 2016 10:03:52 UTC