Hydra Status

Hello all,

After evaluating a lot of different hypermedia solutions, I'm very
interested in using Hydra! It seems to offer the right mix of power,
simplicity and extensibility without being overwhelming and requiring
a huge shift in the way our existing REST APIs work. However, it looks
like there has been a significant drop-off in mailing list
participation and the website doesn't seem to have been updated in
quite some time. There also seem to be several GitHub discussion
marked as "resolved" that are not reflected in the core vocab draft.

I'm a little worried about going all in on something that isn't being
actively developed anymore. That being said, is there anything we
could help out with? Would writing up a series of examples be useful?
Any interest in moving more of the discussion to GitHub as opposed to
the mailing list to get more eyes on things?


- Graham

Received on Thursday, 10 November 2016 19:14:00 UTC