Re: The survey results are in and they look great

Am 15.06.2016 um 10:27 schrieb Pablo Dorgambide:

> At Javascript language (for web platform) we must take in consideration the
> great frameworks that exist (Angular, Ember, React ) and I think that the
> Hydra Client must be implemented to integrated with each of them.

And here the discussion starts ;-)

I'd rather see a mostly "pure" js implementation, as modern as possible,
preferably based on EcmaScript 2015 (which can be babelified and
polyfilled to run with older browsers), e.g. using Promises for remote
communication - rather than having to maintain clients which follow the
opinionated approaches of various frameworks.

The json-ld implementation [1] is a good example. Almost no dependencies


My 2 cents.

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 16 June 2016 14:20:34 UTC