Re: Pagination - let's finalize the collection design (ISSUE-42)

On 2015-10-13 19:00, Karol SzczepaƄski wrote:
>>> - provide sorting details - currently client doesn't know anything about
>>> that - it is given some resources in unspecified order
>>> - provide basic filtering details - freetextQuery is somehow solution
>>> here,
>>> but I don't see it anyway connected to the paging and collection
>> For the two above SHACL again
> But where in this model SHACL fits? Shape is a recipt for data
> structure, we need actual data here.

Oh, my fault, I got confused. I was actually thinking about the 
hydra:allowedIndividual predicate that was discussed earlier this year 
[1]. Also see message [2] and following conversation on the mailing list.

And Shapes actually contains a similar concept too called 
sh:allowedValues, where you can specify a fixed set of valid options, 
though it indeed doesn't fit in the above case AFAICT.



Received on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 18:04:33 UTC