Re: Pagination - let's finalize the collection design (ISSUE-42)

>>Still, your example has still several flaws and I think we'll end up with 
>>conclusion that while served indeed provides a view, but the view is 
>>by the client. We'll end up with very basic but still covering 95% of use
>>cases "query like" hydra platform that will allow client to do simple
>>operations we all know from applications we develop:
>> - show first page of the collection - currently covered
>> - show numbered pager - currently client wouldn't know how many pages 
>> there
>> are
>Could the server use a Shape here to instruct the client what are expected 
>values for page numbers?
But how a shape could inform a client about that? In order to render proper 
number of pages client should know at least either the page size and total 
number of items or should be informed on how many pages are there 

>>- show next/prev - currently covered
>> - show next/prev bucket of pages - currently not covered
>what is a "bucket of pages"?
It's a common situation when you pager like the one below:
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>
Double arrows move to the next set of 10 pages (range from 11 to 20)

>>- provide sorting details - currently client doesn't know anything about
>>that - it is given some resources in unspecified order
>> - provide basic filtering details - freetextQuery is somehow solution 
>> here,
>>but I don't see it anyway connected to the paging and collection
>For the two above SHACL again
But where in this model SHACL fits? Shape is a recipt for data structure, we 
need actual data here.


Received on Tuesday, 13 October 2015 17:00:54 UTC