Re: Hydra Design Goals: How important is RDF?

>> Just put it in JSON-LD; will make perfect sense then.
> I'm sure it will. Which underscores my point that serialization is
> important, although from an RDF perspective, it isn't. :-)

We're not disagreeing that the serialization is important;
we're talking here about whether or not RDF should underpin it.

It brings us actually to a much more important point:
RDF is crucial, because it enables use cases like Martynas' and mine.
JSON makes it accessible for non-specialized developers.
And JSON-LD is the bridge between the two.

So how important is RDF? Very.
It gives specialized client developers what they need,
and—thanks to JSON-LD—also non-specialized developers.
Without RDF, only one of those groups would be served.


Received on Friday, 2 October 2015 14:53:29 UTC