RE: Why the collection?

On 12 Mrz 2015 at 16:31, Jacopo Scazzosi wrote:
>> So what makes Hydra collections context-specific that doesn't make RDF
>> lists context- specific? What aspects of the design worry you exactly?
> Pages, for example. The way I see it, "Page" is an abstraction of
> "Range".

I personally would call it a realization/implementation thereof not an abstraction. But that's splitting hairs.

> The latter is way more universal than the former, at least
> IMHO. But that's not a problem, really. As long as I have my basic
> building blocks to work with, everything else is a plus that does not
> hurt. I would just move it to a dedicated project as think it's not as
> basic and universal as the rest of Hydra.
>> It's easier for people (and machines) to understand these things if they are expressed
> explicitly instead of relying on implicit assumptions or inferences.
> Agreed.
>> I see. So, you still want to give the collection itself a URL, right? In that case, the simplest
> JSON shape for the collection looks somewhat like this [...]
>> Do you have something that you can share with us? I'm highly interested in what you
> came up with.
> Well... Yes, unless I use the "describedBy" IANA rel in a Link header.

Oh.. so you link from the resource, let's say /alice, to the collection (/alice/friends) by putting a Link header with a relation type of "describedBy" on /alice?

   /alice describedBy /alice/friends

Is this correct? How would a client know which describedBy link to follow if there are multiple? Can it do better than just trying to dereference them all?

> I'll do my best to come up with something for you to have a look at
> over the next days but the gist of it is that I'm using "describedBy"
> to point to a document that describes (in Hydra terms) a collection
> (or the range of a collection) presented as a simple JSON array. A
> (admittedly very dirty) nodejs proxy takes care of joining the
> collection itself and its description into a single document that the
> Hydra console can work with. I'm also using the "@reverse" trick and
> the following:
> ex:Range -->  ex:rangeOf --> ex:Collection
> ex:Collection --> ex:hasRange --> ex:Range
> ex:Collection --> ex:total --> int
> ex:Range --> ex:start --> int
> ex:Range --> ex:end --> int
> ex:Collection --> ex:subject --> foaf:Person (or whatever)
> ex:Collection --> ex:predicate --> foaf:knows (or whatever)
> I might be using "describedBy" in the wrong way but the method itself
> seems to work.
>> P.S.: Text-only mails are generally preferred on mailing lists. Thanks :-)
> Ops. Sorry about that. Will do better.


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 16 March 2015 07:52:47 UTC